Let’s Make the Workplace a Better Place
Let’s Make It Better Someone was asking me the other day why I do what I do. In the big picture, I want to make people’s work lives better. I focus on the tech environment because that’s where I’ve spent much of my career. Work should be a source of pride,...
Olympic Lessons in Leadership
Photo by Martine Jacobsen on Unsplash Olympic Lessons in Leadership It’s the Winter Olympics and I am getting my fill of sliding and gliding. Some sports make me wish I were out there and some make me glad I’m enjoying them on the sofa. Another thing I love about the...
Spider in the Water Bowl
The other morning, as I fed the dog, I noticed something in his water bowl. I thought he must have dropped food in there, so I picked up the bowl, ready to dump it into the sink and get him fresh water. It was only at that point that I noticed the object was a spider.

What’s in Your Junk Pile
I want you to imagine a room piled high with plastic bags, plastic boxes, newspapers, magazines, clothes, pizza boxes, craft projects, toys, Christmas decorations. It’s so piled up with these items, that you had to crawl in or step over huge piles. You’re not sure what you’re really sitting on because all the furniture is also piled high with stuff.