by Eva Doyle | Feb 28, 2018 | Leadership, Practical tips, Productivity
3 Keys to Leadership Productivity Once you become a corporate leader, you often wonder what happened to your time. I remember one boss telling me I could get more done in an eight-hour day than anyone she’d ever seen. I took great pride in that. Then I became a...
by Eva Doyle | Feb 14, 2018 | Inspirational, Leadership
Photo by Martine Jacobsen on Unsplash Olympic Lessons in Leadership It’s the Winter Olympics and I am getting my fill of sliding and gliding. Some sports make me wish I were out there and some make me glad I’m enjoying them on the sofa. Another thing I love about the...
by Eva Doyle | Feb 6, 2018 | Communication, Leadership, Practical tips
Test Your Assumptions Rewards I adopted Murphy, our dog, from a shelter when he was five years old. I made a lot of assumptions about how to be a good dog owner, based on all the reading I’d done. Most of the time, I seemed to be on the right path. I...
by Eva Doyle | Feb 1, 2018 | Leadership, Teams
Photography by Eva Doyle. A loom warped and ready to go. A Healthy Tension For a long time in my career, I was uncomfortable with conflict. The roots of that go back to my childhood spent with an alcoholic parent, but as Judge Judy would say, that’s a discussion for...
by Eva Doyle | Jan 30, 2018 | Communication, Leadership, Practical tips
Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash Sometimes I marvel at how simple tools can make hard jobs easy and easy jobs almost fun. Take, for example, a good pair of work gloves. It’s amazing how much more you can do with just a bit of protection on your hands. How much...
by Eva Doyle | Jan 25, 2018 | Leadership
Photo by Kris Atomic on Unsplash Times Up, Indeed As a leader at any level in any organization, you will find yourself drawn into controversies and conundrums that will test your leadership character. In London, certain rich and powerful gentlemen, and their...