by Eva Doyle | Feb 28, 2019 | Communication, Practical tips
In my role as car repair courier, I failed miserably. The Tire My car’s tire pressure monitoring light had been on for a couple of weeks. My husband had checked the tire pressure and inflated the tires to the proper PSI, but the light, that weird symbol that looks...
by Eva Doyle | Apr 18, 2018 | Practical tips, Productivity
Time’s Up In business, and in life, everyone needs to work within their time limits. It’s just one of those facts. I was recently the timer for the presentations at the first round of the Go Code Colorado contest. Each team had five minutes to present their...
by Eva Doyle | Feb 28, 2018 | Leadership, Practical tips, Productivity
3 Keys to Leadership Productivity Once you become a corporate leader, you often wonder what happened to your time. I remember one boss telling me I could get more done in an eight-hour day than anyone she’d ever seen. I took great pride in that. Then I became a...
by Eva Doyle | Feb 6, 2018 | Communication, Leadership, Practical tips
Test Your Assumptions Rewards I adopted Murphy, our dog, from a shelter when he was five years old. I made a lot of assumptions about how to be a good dog owner, based on all the reading I’d done. Most of the time, I seemed to be on the right path. I...
by Eva Doyle | Jan 30, 2018 | Communication, Leadership, Practical tips
Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash Sometimes I marvel at how simple tools can make hard jobs easy and easy jobs almost fun. Take, for example, a good pair of work gloves. It’s amazing how much more you can do with just a bit of protection on your hands. How much...
by Eva Doyle | Jan 23, 2018 | Leadership, Practical tips
Photo by John Silliman on Unsplash Not Even Weeds Soil can become so devoid of nutrients that even weeds can’t grow in it. I never realized that until a friend, Ivor Tymchak, wrote about his garden in his e-mail newsletter. He’d been using soil for ten years,...